A brilliant morning — sunlight everywhere.

Last soccer game of the year. The Boy was excited about it — not because he was excited to play, but because he was excited to be done.
“Do I have to go?” has become something of a refrain before soccer practice and before games.
“You committed to it,” I always explain, “so you’re going to see it through to the end. We keep our word; we finish what we start.”
When I watch his play, I understand why he’s not crazy about soccer: he’s among the youngest in his age group, and he’s lacking some of the confidence that other players on his team have. He prefers playing defense for this reason: all he has to do is stop someone, which means just kicking the ball away from them (in his mind). That’s easier than attacking, when two or three are on you trying to get the ball from you — not to mention your team mates who, despite calls from the coach to realize that they’re “same team!” and instructions to “spread out,” are swarming all around you as well.

So after today, a break. Until L’s volleyball season starts up again…