Palm Sunday 2019

Sunday 14 April 2019

The day started with Mass — sort of. I went to Mass at our usual church in order to photograph the Palm Sunday liturgy, the procession and all that. It’s a lovely liturgy, and to be honest, I just enjoy photographing the Mass more than simply sitting through it.

I was alone because the rest of the family was planning on going to Polish Mass in the afternoon. Palm Sunday is always a Polish Mass day, and there’s always a potluck and small get-together afterward. There’s always a contests for the best babka, a contest for the most beautifully-decorated palm, and some performance or another.

Then again, get more than a couple of Poles together and you’ll end up having one of two things: speeches or songs. Or perhaps you’ll have both.

When the call went out for anyone who wanted to perform, it didn’t take too much asking to get the Girl up to sing. She sang a verse from “Stabat Mater” — in Latin. From memory.

Back at home, we had some fun with Clover and bubbles.