Walking the Dog

Sunday 7 April 2019

The Girl went to Asheville to spend the weekend with T and C, cousins for all intents and purposes. While K went to retrieve her this afternoon, the Boy and I headed to a scout meeting and then to our favorite park to walk Clover. With all the upheaval in our lives lately, we really neglected the dog. Our nightly jogs/walks have all but ceased: with K taking care of Nana and Papa until the renovation is done, and we move them in, I’m reticent to leave the kids in the house alone. They’d do fine, I’m sure: L stays alone regularly without any problem, but if the Boy were to wake while I were out, it might be problematic. Plus, I’ve been going to bed at 9:30 on a regular basis. So today we decided that we had to get Clover out and about.

We met a few dogs along the way. It’s always a little stressful for me when that happens while the Boy is leading the dog. Clover gets so very excited so very quickly, and her excitement becomes manic and borderline aggressive, so I always tell him “Choke up” as we approach.

Today we also encountered a group out for a photo shoot. The photographer sat on one railing of the bridge, with two cameras worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $5000 I would guess based on the peek I took as we passed; the subject sat on the other; we walked in between them, at their behest.

“That’s not smart, sitting like that,” I said to the Boy.

“I know,” he said in utmost seriousness.