Yesterday, the sun finally came out. I had dreams of taking the kids to the park with the dog and playing with the Boy in the backyard — exploring, he calls it. But it was one of those days that seemed to finish before they began.
After a lunch of waffles, we made it to the creek to do a little exploring. We were both curious to see the effects of all the rain on our favorite locations. The impromptu bridge we’ve always used to cross the small creek was all but gone, washed away by the water of a week’s rainfall. Not deterred, the Boy insisted that we could find another way across. We did. It involved accidentally putting his entire left foot into the water. While wearing school shoes.
What were we thinking, heading out in school shoes?

Later, after the camera’s battery died, we found a new little spot where we could climb down to the water. The Boy slipped on the way down and spread mud all down the back and side of his jeans.
“Mommy said these are my best jeans,” he informed me with a giggle.