The Boy wanted to go to school today. He really wanted to go. Mainly because they weren’t going to be in school — it was field trip day to the local science center where they have a Tesla coil, explode hydrogen balloons, and generally thrill kids of all ages. But the rash he’d gone to bed with, the little splotches on his cheeks, had spread all over his body.
“E, we have to go to the doctor,” K explained.
“But it’s nothing. Look — it will go away in no time.”
She tried to explain to him the risks of passing something on to other children.
“They won’t get it! I know they won’t!”
In the end, he lost. The doctor said it was a virus going around. “He’s through the worst of it, but you should keep him home today.”
For today’s pictures — fifteen years ago in Budapest and Poland with Nana and Papa, when they came for our wedding. I was going through pictures this evening, revisited these, and did some editing.