The day began as yesterday began: outside.

The Boy has for some months been obsessed with The Axel Show, and lately, they’ve been going on an extended treasure hunt, set up by the Game Master and continually disrupted by imposter Game Masters who steal clues and create chaos. E desperately wants to have his own treasure hunt adventure, so we set off today to have one. No one’s hidden any treasure anywhere, but as with many things in life, it’s the process — the journey, the adventure — that matters.

When we got back home, we did some cleaning, ran some errands, then played Scrabble with the Girl. We’ve played Scrabble Jr. together before, but as we were cleaning, L discovered real Scrabble and knew we had to play today.

The Boy began and with some help from L, played “pit.” A simple start that didn’t offer a lot of options for continued play, but I had u, r, t, and s, so I played “trust,” which eventually led to “tug,” “rug,” “roar” and “diver,” but the Boy’s next play was to add “ig” to his first word and create “pig.” A few plays later, he took four letters from his holder and suggested adding them to “pig.” The letters: f, r and two e’s.
“You know, like a ‘pig reef,'” he explained.
The Girl and I decided it was the best play of the whole game.

A quick search on the internet revealed, much to our surprise, that there really is such a thing as a pigreef.