Sunday Evening Downtown

Sunday 29 April 2018

K and I left the kids with the grandparents and headed downtown for some dinner and a walk. It’s one of those things that we keep putting off, and as soon as we do it, I find myself thinking, “Dang, we ought to do this more often.” We could skip dinner for all I care and just have the walk and the chat.

Greenville has really grown in the last eleven years. The downtown park has expanded and what was once simply wild space next to the park has been incorporated and cultivated enough to make it look like a park but left wild enough to still make you think, “Is this really just a few hundred meters from the heart of downtown?”

With all the cold weather of late, I think everyone in the county was eager to get outside at some point this weekend, and what better time than the last few hours of the weekend?

This week we’re staring down is the first of May, and May has always been a rough month for us. E’s birthday, end-of-school activities at school, Memorial Day — it all piles up.