Trips to Poland
Time Machine
- 1992: Western Civ Grades
- 1993: Winding Down
- 2001: Drifting Apart
- 2002: In the Teachers' Room
- 2004: A Walk through Centrum
- 2006: No Non-Autistic Child Left Behind
- 2007: Uniform
- 2008: Top Five Drafting Albums
- 2009: America, Out of Control
- 2011: Studying
- 2012: Surrender
- 2013: #8 -- Feeling Good About Oneself
- 2014: The Boy Around the House
- 2015: Painting
- 2020: 3 Hours
- 2021: Knoxville Day 2
- 2022: New Record for the Boy
- 2023: Re-stringing
- 2024: Source