
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Two things conspired against the Boy this afternoon. The first was a late night with lots of excitement last night, which meant that he was unable to go to sleep immediately last night and then difficult to wake up this morning. We let the kids sleep in a bit this morning, but it was no help: he just didn’t want to get up.


The second thing that conspired against him was the rash that’s developed on his belly. It hasn’t really gone away in a few days, so K gave him some Benadryl this afternoon to try to calm down that reaction. Not having had Benadryl in at least two years, the Boy was not really prepared for how hard it would hit him — neither was K. And so he fell asleep while playing on the couch.


Once he goes to sleep late in the afternoon like that, though, he’s an absolutely nightmare to wake up. Today was no exception. I got to work on him a full fifteen minutes before dinner was ready, but he still needed a bit more time. And in the end, when I got him into the kitchen, he only ended up lying back down on the hardwood.

1 Comment

  1. Poor baby! He just needed his Nana & Papa to love him awake(without the effects of the Benedryl, of course.)