
Monday 20 June 2016

(Obviously, not our actual kitchen…)

The wiring in our house was somewhat of a mystery. Why doesn’t that three-way switch in the kitchen and hall work properly? Where does that line go? Where did that line come from?

Most of the morning was spent working out those details so we could kill a couple of breakers and start pulling out old wires. In their place, we placed some shiny new boxes for switches and outlets and pulled a bit of 14-gauge wire for a few of the outlets. It was another of those days where we accomplished a lot but it doesn’t quite look that way.

Tomorrow, though, it all starts coming together. We’ll finish the majority of the wiring, but since that involves significant time in the attic, we’ll be starting quite early. The plan was originally to start at six, but since the weather report indicates a mild morning, I called and left a message that we could probably wait until seven to start. I know, however, that my mentor, like I, sometimes misses messages on his phone, so I’m not sure when we’re actually starting, which is why I’m going to bed now.