Sunday Afternoon with the Kids

Sunday 12 April 2015

Sunday afternoon. K needed some time to herself, not to relax, unfortunately, but to catch up on some work. So I took the kids for ice cream and to the park afterward.


We tried a new ice cream place — new to us at least — in a little town just beside us. The Boy wanted chocolate. Somehow he ended up with soft serve. Still, he was happy.


I wanted a small cone for L, but the flavor she wanted was only available, strangely enough, in a waffle cone, which was huge even in its smallest incarnation. Somehow, she was okay with that.

Before heading to the park, we wandered around the little downtown area for a while. L found her own little piece of paradise.


E found his shortly after.


Afterward, the park, and a bit of riding. The Girl was happy making circles on her bike; the Boy was thrilled making circles on his four-wheeler.


Until the Boy saw the train. And then began the begging, from both the Boy and the Girl. Sadly, the train only accepts payment in the form of cash or checks, and I had neither. In days past, that might have been more than problematic.


Today, nothing much: a little fussing, perhaps some whining, but generally, a simple explanation and it was back to the playground.


And more signs of growing: the Boy took a solid tumble but soon was showing off his wounds.


The afternoon slide into early evening. The Girl made new friends; the Boy played alone. The Girl joined the Boy, then rejoined her new friends.


The Boy did a little exploring.


Then we headed back home.


A fairly typical day in the park.