
Saturday 11 April 2015

The leaves are all out in the small forest we are lucky enough to call our backyard. They’re still curled and small, but it’s a sign that spring is finally here to stay. In theory. “We could still get some really cold weather, maybe even a freeze,” says our neighbor. “It’s happened.” It might have happened, but it can’t happen this year — not this year. We’re all too sick of the cold, the gray, the blah of winter in South Carolina, where it’s never cold enough to make a real winter but just cold enough for a while to make it miserable.


But spring comes, and the leaves of the trees return our virtually complete privacy, and we spend all our time outside. Or as much as possible.


E, as we’re rounding up watering pails for Mama, looks at me and says in all earnestness, “Daddy, I love being outside.”


With our backyard, which includes a stream at the bottom of the property, and the fact that our neighbors don’t mind if we use their backyard as well, it’s no wonder:


we go exploring, throw rocks, sticks, and seed pods into the water, and hide in forts — it’s a true blessing that we have such a place for our children to play.

First, of course, there’s always swinging. It’s virtually non-negotiable.

E takes a few cars with him down to the swing — everywhere, actually — and he’s able to entertain himself as L takes her turn in the too-small-swing.


We stay out until bath time, which is also when the sun now sets. As the days grow still longer, it will be more and more challenging to get the Boy into the house.


“But I want to play!” Now, at least, nature helps.