Summer Mornings

Friday 27 June 2014

Of our two, the Boy is always the first to wake up; indeed he’s often the first of the four of us. But these summer days, there’s a definite order: K, E, I, and then L. And it’s E that wakes up L. He toddles down the hallway, calling, “L, get up!” He climbs up on her bed, rolls around a bit, and then proclaims, “Time to get up!”


By this time, I’ve walked into the room, and E, worried that L is still asleep, suggests a more direct method of waking the Girl.

“Jump on L?” he asks, head cocked, as if he were simply asking if I would like him to bring a dirty plate from the table for washing.

“No, no, don’t jump on sissy.”


He turns to the window.