Three Adventures

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Three adventures today, as varied as imaginable.

With the Boy, breakfast is always an adventure. He wakes up with the same declaration: “Dość!” which is “enough” in English. Enough sleep, enough fasting, enough of the crib. Just enough. And the second exclamation is always the same as well: “Cheerios!” And then it’s an endless train of food. Today, eggs, a small sausage, more cereal, and a bit of fruit. He can easily out-eat L these days.


The second adventure was after dinner, when L and I went out with camera in hand and discovered that we had not one but four cucumbers ready, the firstfruits from our garden. It’s our first year growing cucumbers, and we’re both shocked at how well they grow, and how much the bear. We’ll be making pickles, salads, and eating them straight from the garden until we’re utterly sick of them.


The final adventure: Bobiwa. That’s Bob the Builder in E-ese.

“Can we build it?” we ask.

“Es we caaa!” he chirps in return.

A construction crew is putting up a new fast food restaurant near the grocery store we frequent, and so E and I headed over to look at the equipment while K and L picked up a few items.


With school out and paperwork complete, daily adventures like this await us.