Morning Slips By

Saturday 15 February 2014

The morning begins with cartoons. There is always a rotating group of favorites, with Peep and the Big Wide World recently coming back into favor. I’ve liked that show from the first time I heard the theme song: any animated series that uses banjo in its theme song in a non-Beverly-Hillbillies, non-cliche fashion already has an advantage in my opinion


Of course, cartoons entertain only so long. One can only sit comfortably on a couch and watch cartoons for one half of an episode before the urge to build a fort arises. L has been building forts for some time, now, and while there was a blanket-and-chairs period, the living room couch has become the standard construction material.


The Boy has recently learned the joys of the living room fort, and L, being the sweet girl she can be is, devised a two-room fort. E loaded his room with cars, cars, cars — such a typical boy.


The Girl loads her’s with plush toys and books, taking a battery-powered camping lantern into the fort to provide adequate light for reading.


The real test comes with it’s nap time for the Boy. The television might have been off for an hour or more, but the two of them continue playing in the fort. Coaxing the Boy out of the fort and getting the Girl to clean up the fort can be equally challenging.

1 Comment

  1. But a good break for Mommy, Tata & Babcha!