Saturday at the Pool

Saturday 3 August 2013

Our first day at the pool this year as a family, but alas, the Boy, still recovering from some upper respitory infection, cannot get into the water.


Instead, he stays with Nana and Papa, forever pointing to the pool, forever needing distracting. It’s so unfair, so inexplicable: everyone else takes turns in the water, and the poor Boy is stuck.


For the Girl, it’s a continuation from last year: more development, more courage — diving, diving, forever diving. With a new set of flippers, she’s able to get deeper faster.

“But Tata, it hurts my ears to go that deep.”


She also adds a new trick or two, like diving into the water through the ring.


“Perhaps I could try that,” I suggest.

“I’ve got to get the camera for that,” K replies.


“I didn’t think you’d make it,” she replies with a smile.