
Tuesday 14 August 2012


Exactly eight years ago today, to the minute, K and I were in the midst of our wedding party. One might suggest that I’ve made a mistake. “It’s six hours later in Poland,” one might protest. “That would make it almost five in the morning there.” Obviously, such a protester has never been to a Polish wedding.


At five in the morning, we were still going — perhaps not going strong, and certainly not all of the guests still with us, but going all the same.

Eight years later, we’re still going, but there’s four now, which makes the going a bit more ponderous at times. Yet we still share the same future- and present-orientation that brought us together in the first place: family.


And we’re still going ever-new places. Like kindergarten orientation.

Kindergarten? Already?


Yes, and someone’s already set to be in the teacher’s seat at that.

1 Comment

  1. Gratulacje z okazji kolejnej Waszej rocznicy, wzruszylam sie czytajac Twoje slowa Gary!! Pozdrawiamy Lene, Szymek zaczyna 4 wrzesnia:)