Boat Ride Bookends, Part Two

Tuesday 7 August 2012

After the boat ride and swimming, we were shocked suddenly to discover it was lunch time. And once lunch was over, we were shocked at how tired the kids were — except the two youngest.


But soon after, everyone was rested and the water called us back again. The little puppy running around the lakefront — dubbed Cutie by the kids — was quite an attraction, too. In fact, more so in many ways. Even when the puppy wasn’t there, they played as if she were there. “We must find Cutie!” L cried out, fishing for her with a bit of line and a magnet. “She must have fallen in!”


But she hadn’t — we were the only ones to fall in. Make that jump in — the Girl’s newest water obsession.


Meanwhile, the youngest looked on and ate an early dinner.

With a twelve-week-old, our schedule is his schedule. “He ate at three,” K begins, figuring the next feeding time and its impact on our less-than-tight schedule. Sometimes that’s a challenge; at the lake, it was inconsequential. After all, how many vacations run on a tight schedule? Well, scratch that: I know some who run their vacations like boot camp.


Evening came and we decided on another boat ride. The Boy took it all in stride: his expression consistently said, “Oh well, here we go again. This should be fun…”


And it was for some of us. L got to drive a boat for the first time. It was a carefree frolic for her. No stress; no worries, no fear.


We returned to find brilliance.


Brilliance that shifted.




1 Comment

  1. Wow! What memories are being created. Things she can talk about in school for sometime to come. Looks like EVERYONE was having a wonderful time.