From Dawn to Dusk

Friday 27 July 2012


Breakfast should have been a hint of the day to come. While at Aldi yesterday, we found a real deal on small fillets, so we had steak (one fillet shared between the two of us) and eggs for breakfast.


The Girl entertained the Boy while we finished up breakfast, and I joked, “This is the kind of breakfast that sticks with you until dinner.”

Little did we know how busy we would be

  1. Applying another coat of Thompson’s on the deck (it didn’t make sense to leave a touch in one can) while K took care of the kids and did laundry;
  2. Mowing in 95 degree pure sun as K took care of the kids and cooked barszcz;
  3. Cleaning the house while K took care of the kids and did more laundry (The Boy goes through so much laundry that it’s a miracle there’s still water left in the county);
  4. Taking the Girl for a promised swim as K took care of the Boy;

It looks like such a short, innocuous list, but between steps three and four, K and I fell asleep while the Girl watched an episode of Martha Speaks and the Boy took a post-meal snooze.

And nature provided the first test of four mornings’ of waterproofing



  1. Sounds like you are fully immersed into the world of homeowner – father – husband and do-it-all maintenance man. Some day you’ll see why Nana and I chose to go “condo.”

    • I still enjoy it. Give me a few more years…