
Saturday 7 April 2012

Blessings are everywhere if we just look for them. I suppose that’s called an optimistic outlook in secular terms. Perhaps hope? (The odd thing about hope: you have to have hope in something. There has to be a basis for that hope. Either you have hope in a deity or hope in the goodness of humanity, or hope something else.)

Today is a day of blessings, from a kind mother who does something as simple as trying new, time-consuming ways of putting patterns in colored eggs to bring a little different shade of joy to the Easter table.

Or a priest sprinkling holy water over baskets of food to be consumed as part of the Easter celebration.

Or people who embrace the traditions of the Old World and pass them on to their children.

Or family and friends who are with you at all the major markers of one’s life.

Or children laughing and screaming in delight.

Or the pride of accomplishment. Or electricity.

Or new-found courage and independence.

Or a friend to hold you when you’re hurt.