The Bath

Wednesday 4 January 2012

During the first days of the Girl’s life, giving her a bath was, in K’s and my new-parent, paranoid mind, a two-person job. So delicate, cradled in a tightly netted support that actually sat above the water in a small, counter-top, plastic wash tub. Eventually, the netted support disappeared, and the Girl merely sat in the tub. After three or so years of that (including an eventual transferring of the plastic tub from the counter top to the adult-size bath tub), the Girl graduated to the main tub itself.

Throughout it all, though, it’s been my job (primarily) to bath her. And as she’s moved from tub to tub, my role has diminished.


Lately, I’ve been happily reduced to the role of water-pourer, which leaves me with time to do other things.