Christmas Decorating

Sunday 11 December 2011


A Christmas tree is an important decision: we’ll pay close to fifty bucks for something that will last only a few weeks, so we have to make sure it’s perfect in every way. Somehow, we manage to find the perfect tree each and every year.


The decoration process changes from year to year, though. As the Girl grows, she becomes more involved in the Christmas preparations, and she’s developing some very definitive ideas about how to decorate a tree.


I’m also developing some very strong ideas about Christmas decorations. Inching along, moving the ladder innumerable times, and constantly fighting for a level ladder makes me wonder if I couldn’t leave the lights up all year. Tracking down one single bad bulb that’s affecting all its neighbors is just about enough to make me try a seeming gimmick.

Looking Down

Finally, though, the darkening sky puts an end to my light hanging — with only one side of the house left — and drives me inside to clean up for a family picture


and a photo session with the Girl and Baby.

With Baby

All in all, a good start to the 2011 Christmas season.