
Sunday 6 March 2011

A four-year-old has treasure stored up in every corner of the house. There’s the princess umbrella that sits in the toy basket downstairs, ready for deployment. There’s the scooter downstairs, festooned with princess regalia, parked by the pink bike. There’s a bookshelf packed with books, new and old, tall and short, thick and slim.

And then there’s the jewelry.

All L’s treasure had its own, proper, fitting place before today except for the jewelry.


A small but colorful cardboard from Ikea held L’s beads and rings, her bracelets and necklaces, her charms and her gems. And so when she saw the jewelry box at Barnes and Noble this afternoon, there was no question. She’d come with money sent from Poland with the intention of buying a book.


She left with a new treasure,


to hold all her other treasures.

1 Comment

  1. …a nasz Szymek nadal zafascynowany THOMASEM i innymi pociagami z tej bajki ( ostatnio takze z nowej pt: Chaggington) DZis wlasnie wrocilismy z NYC z Madison Square Garden z przedstawienia pt:Thomas and Friends Live!:)