
Monday 7 February 2011

It was a mystery: walking down the street in our home outside of Rock Hill, I found that no matter how I jumped, sprinted, or turned, my shadow stayed with me.

It’s a novel observation, but one we all experience. So ubiquitous is the discovery that are shadows are inescapable that it finds its way into our cultural imagination. Recall that in Disney’s imagination, Wendy first meets Peter Pan when he’s trying to capture his shadow.

Yesterday, the Girl discovered her shadow is relative.

“Tata, look! My shadow is big


and then it gets really little.”


The rest of the swing time, L kept her chin buried solidly in her right shoulder as she contemplated the mysteries of her ever-changing shadow.

1 Comment

  1. …jako rodzice doswiadczamy codziennie fajnych rzeczy, niedawno cieszylam sie totalnie gdy Szymek odkryl nagle swiat do gory nogami, przechylajac glowe w dol do tylu, zdziwil sie bardzo;)
    trzy dni temu odkrylam swietna strone, polecam , zwlaszcza ze Lena nie ma polskiej szkoly w okolicy, SZymek od trzech dni piecze torunskie pierniki itp:) Pozdrawiamy z zimowego, zasypanego nadal Clifton