Ну, погоди

Thursday 22 July 2010

Ну, погоди (Nu, pogadi) -- Just You Wait!
Ну, погоди (Nu, pogodi) — Just You Wait!

Every time L meets Babcia (here or in Poland), Babcia turns L onto a new cartoon. This visit it was Wilk i Zajac (Wolf and Hare). In the classic tradition of the Roadrunner, Tweety Bird, and Tom and Jerry (to name but a few), it is the continuing attempt by a mildly evil character to capture (and presumably consume) an innocent character.

It’s not a Polish cartoon, though. It’s from the Soviet Union, with the first being created in 1969. The Russian title was “Ну, погоди¸” (pronounced “Nu, pogodi” Ну, погоди” is translated “Just you wait!”). It’s easily translated to other languages (I’m sure Poland wasn’t the only Soviet bloc country to have this imported) because about the only words spoken in each episode are “Ну, погоди¸”. The Polish versions translate that as “I’ll show you!”

L watched the DVD so many times that she basically had them memorized. She wasn’t the only one in the house who came to have the cartoons seared into memory. By the end of our stay, I could tell which cartoon was playing just by walking by the living room.