Day: April 2, 2010

Polish Good Friday 2010

Polish Good Friday is a day of baking and cooking, of arranging, cleaning, and preparing.

Theoretically, the house should be turned upside down, shaken well, then scrubbed top to bottom. It’s sort of like Christmas cleaning. Since I can’t bake (or at the very lease, K wouldn’t let me try on Easter), the cleaning was my responsibility.

And I certainly didn’t mind. Just look at the kitchen list for yesterday:

  • paczki,
  • four babkas,
  • a regular cake,
  • two salads, and
  • cauliflower soup.

There were also flowers to arrange.





And on to tomorrow: basket blessing, more cleaning more cooking — seems we need a holiday.


It’s an annual event at our house: the Easter egg painting party. We’ve had some large crowds for it in past years, but this year, it was a family affair.


The Girl loves painting, so we weren’t surprised when she ended up working on eggs for well over an hour. She approached the task with a Jackson Pollock eye: layers and seeming chaos were the themes of her eggs.



As was “getting paint all over oneself.” But what’s the fun of painting if you don’t expand the canvas?


K took a more disciplined approach.
