Around the World

Saturday 7 November 2009

Some daycare centers seem to attract a certain international clientele. Every year, the school sponsors an International Day when families can show off their heritage and learn a little about the world at the same time. The kids receive passports; each country receives a stamp. The kids arrive and it’s an endless cycle of visitors and visits.


This year, at Mexico’s booth, seasoned grasshoppers were available. I’m not certain they were a hit with the kids, but I took a handful to try. Salty, crunchy, proteiny, Israelitish. “We use as snacks, for tacos — that kind of thing,” says the host. “Not quite what you find in the typical Mexican restaurant,” K comments later.


While I was munching salty grasshopper, L was visiting her friend. Actually, since I tend to refer to L as “the Girl,” I suppose I could call this young lady, J, the Friend. “We hear L’s name all the time at home all the time,” J’s father tells me.


Not surprisingly, we hear J’s name at home all the time. For a while, L declared that her baby doll — generally referred to as “Baby” — was “J”, but that lasted only a few days. Perhaps it was odd to have a best friend and a baby with the same name.


L sees an elephant — her favorite — at the India and hustles over for a quick visit. This particular elephant is not supporting the world on its back; indeed, it seems to be supported by a soccer ball. I’m sure there could be some kind of symbolic significance, but before I have a chance to think further, L is off, returning to K. As usual, I tag along behind.


  1. Indians play polo with elephants. Perhaps that is an elephant-sized polo ball.

  2. hello again from France , Sunday afternoon , a bit of leave raking before more rain to come !! a few comments
    we did a world and european get-together within our secondary school : it was great : with a lot of exotic food , photos , the same as your fair ;
    we also did something which gave material for a school exhibition : a job family tree : very interesting to study old , bygone jobs and when more up-date jobs started in a family : a very good project ;

    I found an awesome site for your students : it’s called : 365 sonnets : a Canadian teenager’s love affair with iambic poetry ;fantastic ;

    my favourite brother-in-law is from Polish origins ; J.P. Pietrzak ; his parents came to work in the coal -mines in the north of France : they have settled there and started a family ; there are many Polish associations , bakery and dancing classes ,a lot of solidarity …..; it is very vivid in the north : they are so artistic and lively ; it’s always a pleasure to visit them and hear about their country and ancestors ;

    back to work and grading , …… have a nice week

  3. czasem cos co dla nas wydaje sie na pierwszy rzut oka nie do zjedzenia, dla innych kultur to codziennosc, pamietam jak w Australii kolega z Indii namawial mnie pol dnia na smazone larwy os, w koncu sie skusilam i okazalo sie ze sa przepyszne, od tamtego czasu nie jadlam jeszcze zadnych dziwnych potraw, pozdrawiam