Carving a jack-o-lantern is a paradox: it requires forceful and delicate motions. And it’s often simply messy.

The lesson I learned this year: don’t cut the top hole too small. It makes scraping the insides a nightmare because there are no do-overs with that first cut.

There are also no re-dos with the delicate work.

Which is why our ghost is holding a blog instead of a three-candle candelabra.

Next year.
gratulacje Gary, pomysl totalnie oryginalny!!! Zwykle wszyscy robia twarze a Ty zrobiles cos calkiem innego, super oryginalnego, zyczymy Lenie udanego Halloween , u nas dzis 4 stopnie C (ciagle nie mam pojecia o skali, stopniach F), zimno, prawie jak na Orawie , gdzie zima od kilku dni na calego:) Pozdrowienia
I did have a pattern. :)