Morning on the Beach

Tuesday 28 July 2009

“They’re a bit rustic,” K’s colleague said about the cabins at Edisto Beach State Park. “They’re okay if you like ‘roughing it,'” he concluded.

“If this is ‘roughing it’,” K said as we walked in, “then I’d hate to see what his idea of luxury is.” We quickly determined that in between the two visits there must have been some extensive renovations.

Surely no one could call this “roughing it.”

Hardwood floors and an interior done completely in unfinished pine — it is a welcoming space from the beginning. The living room has a Murphy Bed and an ample sitting area.

At the other end, a small television (hidden in the cabinet on the wall) and a leather couch.

There’s a small bedroom in one corner of the cabin — it’s L’s bedroom.

The kitchen is well light (in the day, anyway) and perfectly adequate for vacation.

The real treasure, though, is in the back.

A restful night is a simple matter there, with the wind blowing through the palms and the crickets all around.

We wake the next morning to visitors: a family of four deer that almost managed to scamper away completely before I stumble back into the cabin for the camera.

Still, we didn’t come to Edisto for the wildlife. We came for the beaches, eager to give L her first beach experience.

With the initial fear from the previous afternoon a distant memory, L is able to get down to some serious sand castle building. She carefully makes a ring of towers with an eventual moat. K, of course, only watches. Having grown up in southern Poland, she’s had enough beach time in her life!

The pelicans off the coast have breakfast while the architectural wonders rise from the sand. They hit the water with shocking impact. We later find out that the repeated impact can so damage their eyes that they can eventually go blind.

The Girls, somewhat oblivious to the masochistic fishing exercise going on just behind them, continue to build.

Eventually, I try to convince L to approach the water and let the waves lightly wash over her toes. She’s not receptive, and when I press the issue, assuring her that I’ll hold her the entire time, that she has nothing to fear, that I’ll never let anything hurt her (A lie? No: some things are out of my control, but those things that I can control I will control. Or will I? There is learning in pain…), that it will be great fun — all for naught.

The more I reassure her, the more she panics. At last, I calm her down and assure her that I won’t make her go to the water.

It’s like with many foods: I know she’ll love it as soon as she overcomes her distrust.

She should be glad that she’s not a pelican, I decide. Then again, instinct is frightfully powerful, as is conditioning.


  1. Wow…that is an absolutely gorgeous place. I would love to spend a week there.

    In regards to L, it’s always reassuring to read your blog and find that other children have these uncontrollable fears to things that seem perfectly safe to N and myself. A seems to be afraid of everything and he’s very much a neophobe when it comes to food. Very frustrating sometimes.

  2. Miejsce super tylko nie wiem czy mi sie wydaje… bo na zdjeciach mam wrazenie ze plaza nie byla zbyt ladna, duzo traw, glonow , czy wszedzie taka mieliscie czy byla tez gdzies szeroka , piekna, piszczysta bez drewnianych i trawiastych smieci?

  3. Na poczatku troche mnie rozczarowala ta plaza. Faktycznie wszedzie muszle, piasek niezbyt przyjemny, do wody trudno wejsc bo trzeba przejsc przez trzymetrowy pas potluczonych muszel itp. Ale moje rozczarowanie nie trwalo dlugo. Szybko zafascynowalismy sie przebogatym zyciem przyrodniczym wyspy i nabralismy ogromnego szacunku dla lokalnych wolontariuszy, ktorzy wkladaja wiele wysilku aby zachowac wyspe taka jaka jest (Gary na pewno jeszcze napisze o calej akcji ratowania zolwi) Ta plaza to jest cmentazysko, szeroki kilkumerowy pas muszli na brzebu, i szeroki pas muszli jak tylko wejdzie sie do wody. Na zupelnie dzikiej plazy na Botany Bay kopalysmy z lena dolki – piasek o grubym ziarnie, potluczone muszle wcale nie w drobny mak :), a kilka centymetrow pod warstwa piaski kolejna warstwa muszli. Ale wlasnie na Botany Bay mozna spacerowac kilometrami i nie spotkac nikogo… Znajomi poradzili mi Edisto jako spokojne miejsce, nieprzekomercjalizowane, poldzikie, relikt Poludniowej Karoliny – lowend. Cudowne miejsce, polecam kazdemu, kto chce odpoczac od miasta. Przyjemnie bylo nie widziec McDonalds przez tydzien i robic zakupy w jedynym sklepie spozywczym. Kocham gory i nigdy dotad nie docenialam jak wiele ocean ma do zaoferowania.

  4. o dzieki za wyjasnienia i doswiadczenia osobiste, my szykujemy sie do naszych wakacji , wyjezdzamy w tez cudowne miejsca tylko ze zimniejsze:) do Maine na Acadie a potem promem trzygodzinnym do Kanady do Nowej Szkocji i na Wyspe Ksiecia Edwarda, Szymek ma juz mumie- spiwor, z ktorego sie strasznie cieszy, bo wiekszosc jezeli pogoda dopisz ebedziemy pod namiotem, tam tez bedzie inny swiat, zupelnie inny niz w New Jersey …….nie moge sie doczekac pozdrowienia, zadzwonie na dniach, przegapilam w tym roku Twoje urodziny, zycze Ci spelnienia we wszystkim co robisz