Summer Plans Begin

Wednesday 20 May 2009

In Polska, K and I were both avid cyclers. Here, we haven’t been so much. Having a beast of 2.5 years makes that difficult.

The solution has always lingered in the back of our mind, brought forward afresh each time we were at a park with bike trails: buy a trailer for the Girl.

Add to this equation the decision we’ve made to have a relaxing, travel-resistant vacation on Edisto Island and one has all the impetus necessary to buy a trailer.


First, we had to sell her on the whole idea. That was not too difficult: we’d been pointing out such trailers every time we go to a park, asking, “L, would you like to ride in something like that?” The answer was always, “Yes.” (Or, until recently, “Tak.”)


She played and played, went in and out and in again — “You close it, please?” “Open it, please.” “You close it, please?” Finally, we attached the wheels and pulled her around downstairs.

Monday, at last, we took her on the road.


Verdict: fun, but only when Mama’s around.


1 Comment

  1. wow widzielismy to z Piotrkiem ostatnio gdzies na wycieczce nad oceanem,bylismy pod wrazeniem, super sprawa jezeli sie jezdzi na rowerach zaraz ide na google sprawdzac gdzie jest ta wyspa na ktora sie wybieracie bo nie wiem , milego dlugiego weekendu