Ice Cream and Dancing

Monday 9 March 2009

There are few things in life the Girl likes loves more than ice cream (a new love) and dancing (an eternal love). We had a little outing Sunday that included both.

We began at the Marble Slab Creamery, where freshly made ice cream is mixed with just about anything — by hand. L wanted “pink ice cream,” which left our options somewhat limited. Fortunately, she’s wild about strawberries, and strawberry ice cream turned out to be equally popular.


She savored it.


Afterward, we wandered down to the main park, where, unbeknown to us, there was an Irish festival (St. Patty’s Day and all…), which included dancing — sure to hold the Girl’s attention.


The dancers were impressive, and L wanted to join them. K literally had to catch her just before she made it onto the stage.


Dancing lessons seem to be a definite future weeknight activity.


More pictures available at Flickr.


  1. Znajome miejsce, pamietam te lody, Szymkowi bardzo smakowaly, jejku u Was juz tak cieplo , te stroje letnie i pogoda , az ciezko uwierzyc ze mielismy snieg w zeszlym tygodniu i mrozy U nas tez wiosna wrocila ale jeszcze nie taka jak u Was pozdrowienia

  2. oh my, I miss Greenville SO MUCH. Sometimes reading your blog is like taking a peak into what raising my son would have been like if we’d chosen the US over France. I never regret the choice, but can’t help but wonder, “what if?” :)