Day: March 8, 2009

Dearest K and L

My girls. The women of my life. Today is your day.

No American celebrates Women’s Day. It’s not in my blood. I can’t tell you when it is like I can explain the date of Thanksgiving or tell you when swimming pools general open (i.e., Memorial Day). And so I’m prone to forget. I remembered in Polska only because I saw all males buying flowers that day and I heard about it in school.

Still, seven years in Poland — I should remember.

If I could sing you a song, I would. As it is, Peter will have to suffice.

Maybe year…

Shaking the Tree
Shaking the Tree (Maybe not all the lyrics are applicable. Still, the chorus…)

I’m off to put a reminder in Google Calendar.

The Photographer


The Girl began doing it in Poland, as we were standing outside the church, waiting to go in for her baptismal Mass. Everyone was fretting about this and that — Will the Girl be able to sit that long? Will she remain calm when taken to the altar? Will the loud singing upset her? — when L calmly walked over to the tripod and began taking pictures of everyone.

No camera necessary.

None of us realized she had a passion for photography.


We’ve already begun discussing when to get her camera. After all, when she sees me taking a picture, she often runs over and asks to take a picture herself. Granted, the camera is almost as big as she is, and she doesn’t quite get the concept of framing a picture (she just presses the shutter release, and holds it down if I don’t switch it to single-picture mode), but she does understand the concept: she takes the picture, then thrusts the camera away from her so she can look at her work.


“Maybe next year,” I suggest. “When she’s three.”

“Or maybe this summer,” K says. We are planning several weekend trips this year.


Maybe we’ll get the camera this year, and a Flickr account for her next year…