Sunrise on a snow day.

The trees all sag under the load. Local news reports tell of many downed trees; through the morning, I hear chainsaws in the not-so-distant distance: the city already clearing up last night’s mess.

There’s ice and snow on the early blossoms

and those that chose not to rush the season.

The Girl’s swing really stands out on the blue-white snow.

The snow certainly has confused the animals. Our cat is fascinated and annoyed with the snow. She had it easy, though: she didn’t have to look for food. Do squirrels in warm climates horde? Are they as unprepared as the locals (like the one who found a novel snow scraper).

Our neighbors made a snow individual last night. Today, it’s obvious that a snow Dolly Parton would be more descriptive. They’re young, our neighbors.

It’s difficult not to look up.

Looking up all the time would be a mistake, though, because the roads are covered with ice in the early morning.

Black ice, they call it. It’ll be gone before lunch, turned to a slushy mess. Yet that probably means it will re-freeze overnight and we’ll have another day off tomorrow. Two of three built-in snow days gone.

The trees in the backyard made it through the night. It must have been paranoia on my part. After all, how often do trees come down and damage homes? How often does it really happen? Well, truth be told, we have friends in Asheville who had the corner of their house crushed by a large limb from an oak, poplar, or some such tree.

The Girl is excited, running about, looking out the windows. Sadly, it’s too slushy to take her out. She’s still sick, and without any decent shows or water-resistant clothes, she’d be soaked in minutes.

From the Greenville Times:
Greenville County Schools’ offices and schools will be closed Tuesday, the second consecutive day since a snow storm walloped the Upstate, said spokesman Oby Lyles.
Eight schools throughout the county don’t have power and school officials don’t know when it will come back on, he said. Roads are icy and some secondary roads remain blocked, Lyles said. (Source)
And so tomorrow, more fun with the Girl.
Wow! Beautiful photos. What a gorgeous day not to have to go to work. Damn deadlines, schedules and planning. :)
Well, nothing’s free — we have to make it up.
Tomorrow, though, counts as a full day even though there’s a two-hour delay. I’d much prefer two days of that!
wow !!!!!!!!boska zima , Kinga mowila ze macie miec snieg, a jednak, to L pewnie szczesliwa i w szoku bo jeszcze go nie widziala , cudne zdjecia,!!!!!!!!! u nas tez wrocila przedwczoraj , mroz byl -10 C a Szymek bawil sie w sniegu chyba ze dwie godziny w temp -6 a dzis w temp -1 ja uwielbiam zime bo upaly i wilgotnosc latem sa dla mnie czasem nie do przejscia, co pare dni chce sie pakowac z walizkami do Polski
Ja nigdy nie wierze jak zapowiadaja tutaj opady sniegu. W polowie przypadkow sie nie sprawdza, wiec wole sobie nie robic nadziei. Lena niestety nie bawila sie w sniegu, bo byla chora :(. Poza tym, nie mamy dla niej prawdziwie zimowych butow. Tutaj na zime dla dziecka wystarcza adidasy. Ale generalnie zima cudowna i trwa zadziwiajaco dlugo. Zazwyczaj wszystko topnieje w ciagu jednego dnia. No ale w sobote ma byc znow 20 stopni ciepla….