In the Backyard

Sunday 8 February 2009

While much of the country still seems to be under snow and ice, we’ve had a warm spell. Spring comes early in South Carolina, with temperatures already in the mid-60s. It’s likely to cool back down, but for now, we’re enjoying the warmth.


Such a change from the last group of pictures from this time of year. L requires a larger and larger arc on the swing to provide the same satisfaction. “Higher” she can now ask, and I wonder how much longer we can even use this swing. Certainly this will be the swing’s last spring.


And yet there are plans for the replacement, and a tree house in the same area. “In a few years,” K says, but those few years will melt faster than the single snowfall we experienced here (in January of ’07).


The little girl, evident in this picture, will quickly replace the lingering lines of baby, and before we know it, she’ll be talking about having a tree house.