How many nails does it take to hold a door in place?

Apparently only two, because when we ripped out this old door to put in a new one, we used a reciprocating saw only twice, for the two lonely nails on the knob side. The door was held in place, I’m assuming, by the generous application of caulk on the outside of the door. The caulk did double duty, though, for it not only secured the door but insulated the door, and it was a solo gig. Not a scrap of insulation between the door frame and the house; not a pin-point of insulating foam; not even a gratuitous bead of caulk.
No only that, but the door was essentially levitating.

It’s difficult to discern it in the picture, but that block of lumber looked as if it had been finished with a dull hatchet.

The whole thing was so poorly installed that if I’d sneezed when closing the door, I might have knocked the whole thing out, frame and all.

Not this one, though.