How to Beat Your Wife

Monday 23 June 2008 | general, p

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  1. Everything he said is right. Let me add on to that:

    The wife must be doing something Haraam (forbidden). Like drinking alcohol, or gambling away the household money. Not something trivial like burning the morning eggs.

    Next: For a month the husband must try to help the wife through words. Try to talk her out of it. If that doesn’t work

    The husband must refuse to be sexually active with the wife for the second month. It may also amount to not even sleeping in the same bed with her. He must give her the “silent treatment” in a sense. If that doesn’t work

    He may beat her. Under all the conditions stated above. Which kind of make the beating useless. Since he’s not actually allowed to hurt her. At all. Like the most pain he could give her is by gripping her forearm tightly. But not tight enough for it to show grip prints. Or even turn red.

    In Islam, the beating is symbolic. It’s a means to force the wife to wake up. Physically pushing your wife into a car, the dragging her into a building, so that she may attend a therapy session for drug abuse, can be considered a beating.

    But it doesn’t end there. If THAT still doesn’t stop the wife from sinning then you go on to the last step ordained by God:

    You get an intervention. You talk to your father, your wife’s father, your mother, your wife’s mother, basically anyone whom is or was a sort of authority figure to your spouse. It’s amazing what peer pressure can do.

    Now I might as well explain what a wife is to do when it’s her HUSBAND that’s sinning.

    Well first she tries talking about it for a month. And if that doesn’t work, she skips straight to the last step and gets outside help. This is because if she tried to withold sex, or “beat” her husband…he’d probably just get super angry and beat her. For real. And that would suck. Since people tend to do sucky things when they’re angry. Or wasted.

    So simply for her safety, she must get someone to back her up. Both figuratively and literaly if need be.

    Basically what I’m trying to say is that your last sentence ought to be rewritten to:

    See – the Islamic rules on treatment of women are not barbaric…


    • Thanks for clearing that up. Probably not quite in the way you intended, but still…