
Friday 13 June 2008


Americans don’t eat bread. By that I mean it’s not a staple. We don’t buy bread daily.

We don’t eat bread daily. And what we eat really doesn’t deserve to be called bread. Most stores sell gummy, soft, baked masses called bread, but it is to real bread what Nescafe is to real coffee.

Real bread is dense and dark. It goes bad in a few days and can be bought still warm if one gets to the corner store quickly enough.

In seventeen days, we will eat bread.


  1. Oh, yum,yum,yum,yum,yum. I do love Polish bread and always miss it when I live abroad. No German bakery close to where you live? There’s one in Winnipeg (where my parents live) and they used to get all their bread there. Not the same as Polish bread, but close on many levels. However, they recenly changed their baker and the bread is pants. So my folks are eating mass produced rye bread, which is not great.

    Hope you enjoy your chleb!

  2. There is a German bakery in town, and that’s where we buy all our bread. But it’s still not the same, is it? :)