Blogging the Book of Mormon

Thursday 20 March 2008

I’ve never read the Book of Mormon. I remember seeing it advertised on television — “Another testament of Jesus Christ” or something like that — but to date, that has been the extent of my exposure to it.

This was originally part of a non-defunct religion blog I started. And then stopped.

In planning this site, I decided that one of the things I wanted to do was to “blog” books: read a book and write a commentary on it as I go along. I’d like to do the Koran, the New Testament, and the Book of Mormon at the very least. So why not start with the Book of Mormon?

I would like to say that I intend on reading it objectively, with an open mind, so to speak. That is to say, without assumptions. However, I hold such a dim view of Mormonism based on the scant knowledge I have of it that it will be difficult to do so.

And so, coming soon: Part I, the introduction.