No, Really — Again

Saturday 23 February 2008

BurnerIt turns out that the whole time there has been a major malfunction with our gas pack that has been preventing it from firing correctly. “It probably came from the factory that way,” said Shane, the technician.

Between six and eight technicians have looked at it, with one of them changing the gas regulator on the burner just inches away from the whole problem, and not one noticed it.

The problem — highlighted in the white square — was that the gas injectors, coming from the manifold (running along the bottom of the picture), should be in the burner, not hovering a centimeter away from it, or, as was the case with one injector, hovering a centimeter away from it and bent downward.

Once again, the technician said: “It probably came from the factory that way.”

DSC_3216So, to review, the following parts have been changed in the unit itself:

  • Burner,
  • Gas regulator,
  • Control board, and
  • Some gas valve (not the regulator).

Within the zoning system, the following things have been changed:

  • Transformer,
  • Entire control board, and
  • One damper.

Folks, we basically have an entirely new system…