The Girl, Updated

Sunday 17 February 2008

Maja commented about preferring pictures of L to pictures of a very blue 55-gallon drum. (I didn’t provide a translation, but trust me, that’s what she said. To which K replied, “I just hope we won’t become known in the neighborhood as ‘those people with the blue barrel’.”) And then Nana and Papa mentioned the lack of Girl pictures of late.

How did this happen? Are we not doting anymore?

Well, we have been taking pictures. I just haven’t been posting them.

How about a video instead?


  1. video bardzo mi sie podoba – moi drodzy z beczk?:). po prostu Supergirl! thank you G – tatusiu:)

  2. z baczka mialo byc

  3. dzizas z beczka:)))

  4. to bylam ja of course