Show Us the Money?

Friday 25 January 2008

Huckabee on the proposed stimulus package (via memory via NPR): We’re giving people all this money, which we’re going to get in loans from China. Then we’re going to tell Americans to go out and spend it, mostly on products produced in China. Who’s economy is getting stimulated?

Marc Acito, in an NPR commentary, developed similar ideas.

If we get said check, we’re going to invest it in new windows. The bliss of being a homeowner…


  1. Amazingly short-sighted program. If we spent it on infrastructure, we could continue to reap long term economic benefits from it — the way we’ve reaped the long-term benefits of rural electrification. Instead, the *Republicans* are literally going to throw money at the problem. Again. (This isn’t the first time Bush has cut a check for American citizens.)

  2. True. K immediately thought it an amusing example of the consumption-based nature of American capitalism — the way to get out of a recession (or avoid it) is to…spend. And she was commenting on this before Huckabee, Acito, etc. The whole notion of spending your entire paycheck, living beyond your means, and having no savings is so incredibly, pathetically odd to her. For the government to do that (which is basically what this program is: go blow one hold pay check — we’ll give you one. A minimum wage paycheck, to be sure, but a paycheck…) is just irresponsible, she thinks. I think. Obviously you think.

    I just don’t get how almost everyone in Washington is lining up behind this.

  3. Anytime there’s money to be given away the Democats – who control both houses of Congress) are first in line to back it (regardless of who proposes it) – which is normal since they are America’s Socialist Party.

    I’m listening to investors on Fox News this morning debate the issue. Largely they are divided along conservative and liberal lines: The Democrats think its great for the economy and the Republicans think its not.

    Huckybee is trying to get elected President – and I’m sure he has America’s best interest in mind (TIC).

  4. “The Democrats think its great for the economy and the Republicans think its not”

    So why is a Republican president proposing it to begin with?

  5. That seems to be a much noised question among the conservatives. These “real conservatives” are feeling abandoned by the Republican party. They – the real conservatives – don’t see a real conservative in the current four or five choices. Its hard to guess who they’ll really support as you go through the list of what each candidate stands for. The president’s suggesting the money givaway is only one more question in their minds.

  6. This is the second give-away he’s done, too. I don’t get why the Democrats are backing it, because it doesn’t strike me as a Democratic plan. At least, not one FDR would have realized. This isn’t smart policy (or socialism), it’s bread-and-circuses politicking that isn’t based in *any* sound political philosophy, right or left.

    Papa: “which is normal since [Democrats] are America’s Socialist Party.”

    I only wish they were.

  7. My dad was an FDR Democrat. Those Democrats were basically conservative Democrats. Based on converstions with my dad they believed that they were responsible for themselves. They worked hard and paid their own ways – unlike my perception of today’s Democrats that have an “entitlement” and “victimization” mentality.

    Is is my belief that the current Democratic party was hijacked by the far left wing of the party – supported by people like billionaire “left wing loon” George Soros .

    It amuses me when I hear some of my relatives refer to being avid Democrats and at the same time profess strong Christian beliefs – which flies into the face of abortion and same sex marriage.

  8. Papa, some day you’ll have to introduce me to these entitlement Democrats. I don’t think I’ve ever met any.

  9. Just walk into New Orleans blindfolded and toss a rock and whoever says “ouch” is a entitlement Democrat.