
Monday 25 June 2007

When I was in Poland the first time, I made a vow: I will write in my journal every single day. I blew that pretty much within the first week, if memory serves. I was in Radom for “Pre-Service Training” with roughly 90 other Americans, and the late nights took a toll, I suppose.

A photo blog of Radom is available here, but it’s all in Polish. Still, gives you an idea of the city.

So I modified my resolution: I will write in my journal every single day once I get to my site. And I did — except, I believe, for one day.

Well, two. Evening I got in late and was bed before I remembered, so I got up to write something — anything — and I think I put down something like “This is just to keep my streak going.”

This time, I came up with something a little better, I believe…