Memorial Day we took the Girl and the babcia for a hike at Graveyard Fields. A short, easy hike: probably less than 4.5 miles all told.
Along the way, new flora continually caught J’s eye. “What’s this?” and “What’s that?” and “Is this X? It must be!”
“Nie wiem” became the phrase of the day, renewing (for about the 100th time, at least) my desire/resolve to learn more about plants.
L “met” a young lady named N who, despite being two months younger, was significantly smaller.
And of course we took lots of pictures of the Girl.
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog post (Safety vs. Panic). I hope that you continue to blog with your students. I have found that it really creates a community of writers that no other software can. Anyway, I really like the pictures of your daughter. My wife and I have a 7 month old and we have been chronicling her life similarly at a dandelife site. Not many people in the blogosphere that I have talked to are using dandelife, and I just wanted to pass it along. You can check out my daughter’s site at Thanks again for the blog love.