We’re Holocaust deniers, each and every one

Thursday 3 May 2007

Holocaust denial is rampant in the Arab world. One doesn’t have to look too far to find it.

While looking for Holocaust images on Google, I found a discussion thread called “Myth of Holocaust Will Not Survive, French Historian” at IslamOnline.net.

French historian and professor of Sorbonne University Robert Faurisson said that the ‘myth of Holocaust’ fabricated by the Zionists would not survive.

Addressing the International Confernce on ‘World Vision on Holocaust’, Faurisson said that the gas chambers allegedly used by Hitler to massacre the Jews did never exist.

It didn’t take much to find it — I wasn’t even looking for it.

But who would have thought that we, American taxpayers, are actually supporting Arab/Islamic Holocaust denial?

Testifying under oath recently, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice misled Congress in her strong defense of Al-Hurra, the taxpayer financed Arab TV network. It was unwitting, though. She herself was misled.

During the March 21 House Foreign Operations Appropriations subcommittee hearing, Rep. Mark Kirk (R., Ill.) pressed Ms. Rice on the wisdom of providing a platform to Islamic terrorists, citing Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah’s Dec. 7 speech, which Al-Hurra aired live. The broadcast speech “went on for 30 minutes,” she responded, “followed by commentary, much of which was critical of Nasrallah.”

In fact, Mr. Nasrallah’s speech was carried in its entirety, roughly an hour and eight minutes. The commentary that followed–a 13-minute phone interview with Wael Abou Faour, a member of Lebanon’s governing coalition–was indeed critical of Mr. Nasrallah. He accused the Hezbollah leader of not being anti-U.S. and anti-Israel enough. While Mr. Nasrallah had claimed Lebanon’s governing coalition was aligned with the U.S. and had backed Israel during the war last summer, Mr. Abou Faour said that Hezbollah was actually closer to the U.S and added that any Lebanese faction that assisted “the Israeli enemy” should not be allowed to engage in political discussion because “the only place they should be [is] in prison.” […]

Under Mr. Register, Al-Hurra covered the Holocaust denial conference in Tehran last December. But in a stark break from Mr. Harb’s era, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the attendees at his conference were treated with unmistakable deference.

Al-Hurra’s Dec. 12 report on the gathering included David Duke’s praise for Mr. Ahmadinejad, and it took at face value the organizers’ demand for Israel “to provide proof and evidence that certifies the occurrence” of the Holocaust. An official running the event was afforded the opportunity to show the open-mindedness of Holocaust deniers: “If we actually conclude with our experts through this meeting that the Holocaust is a real incident we will at that time admit its presence.” (Transcript provided by a fluent Arabic-speaking U.S. government employee.)

So we’re paying for a station that provides a platform for anti-Semitic rantings. What about the reporters themselves? Surely they are more objective.

The Al-Hurra reporter stationed in Tehran referred to those who believe Hitler killed six million Jews as “Holocaust supporters.” He took a swipe at the handful of conference attendees who didn’t deny the Holocaust, by noting that they “didn’t enforce their statements with scientific evidence.” In closing the piece, he referred to Israel as “the Jewish state on Palestinian lands.” (Wall Street Journal)

At least something, though, is providing a little bit of bi-partisanship on Capital Hill…