Twenty-Second and Twenty-Third Firsts

Thursday 1 March 2007

L is almost eleven weeks old, which means she’s entering that period where every day she does something new for the first time. A few of the recent firsts:

She’s slowly discovering that those spindly things sticking out from her sides are arms — her arms. This morning she tried to bring her hand to her mouth after holding it in front of her, studying it for a few seconds before slamming her hand directly into…her forehead.

L has added a new cry to her repertoire: the “I’m bored” cry. She likes to be toted around the apartment so she can see anything and everything.

Lastly, she’s discovered her voice, and learned that it too is subject to her control. And so she’s taken to making vowel sounds to show her interest and her joy. We’ve captured it twice on video.

1 Comment

  1. “She likes to be toted around the apartment so she can see anything and everything.”

    She is probably making a map of everything in her head. :-)