Month: February 2007

Polish Visitor

K’s mother flew in from Poland, arriving Thursday evening. US Air lost her luggage in the flight from the Windy City to Charlotte, but otherwise, it was a relatively survivable experience for Mamus.

When someone’s coming from rural Poland, there’s a certain amount of joy in thinking about all the things you can introduce — namely, food. My mother-in-law has never had fresh pineapple or cantaloupe, so we bought one of each before her arrival. She’s yet to try them, but biscuits — big, fluffy Southern-style biscuits — were a big hit, as was Ben and Jerry’s pistachio ice cream.

We have our own list, but perhaps there are other things she should try while here?

Statistically Possible?

The one big storm of the season hits the same day K’s mother flies in from Poland. What were the chances of that happening?

Apparently, 1:1, according to the weather folks.

Come Thursday morning, we were all bracing for a huge blizzard. School was canceled; businesses were closed; the whole city expected to be shut down. When we woke with no snow, meteorologists assured us that it was coming.

Thursday afternoon — “Folks, it’s coming. We’re going to have freezing rain in the late afternoon and early evening, and it’s just going to be dangerous out there.”

Thursday afternoon turns into Thursday night, and still nothing. Not even a single flake.

“I think these forecasts must come from grocery stores,” a friend laughed.

“Hold Your Head Up High…”

A newborn holding up her head — one of those milestones we all know about. When L was first born, her head bobbled back and forth, giving cause for alarm a couple of times: when you have an energetic baby who still doesn’t have control over many of her body’s muscles, you get some literally breathtakingly jerky motions.

L has been holding her head up for a moment here, a moment there, for a couple of weeks. The other night I got a couple of good shots when she was in a good belly mood.