
Tuesday 19 December 2006

L’s been getting used to so many new things. The most obvious are the temperature changes she endures — a far cry from the constant warmth in which she spent her first nine months. Hunger is another novelty for her. She doesn’t like it one bit, and tends to get infuriated if not satiated.

Light is another.

The first times she really opened her eyes (about fourteen hours after she was born) was in total darkness. Slowly she’s been daring to open her eyes in brighter and brighter light.

And finally, after a bath, this:


More at our Flickr slide show


  1. widac, ze ma migdalowe oczy Kingi to na pewno. reszta jest niewiadoma;) maciek (tata pieciomiesiecznej Mariannny) pieknie opowiadal ostatnio, ze takie baby jest na poczatku jak male zwierzatko. dziekujemy Gary za szczegolowe relacje, chyba nawet polityke olales na tenczas;)))

  2. p.s. po glebszej analize stwierdzilam, ze podbrodek tez ma Kingi;)

  3. Oh! COngratualtions! (I was just leaving Poland in the week she was born.) Stunningly beautiful and so perfectly described (in the preceding post).
    Nothing is as miraculous as raising.. dare I say it: daughters.