No Grunting

Saturday 18 November 2006

Choose your fitness club carefully:

At Planet Fitness gyms, grunters and other rule-breakers are treated to an ear-rattling siren with flashing blue lights and a public scolding. The “lunk alarm,” as the club calls it, is so jarring it can bring the entire floor to a standstill. (A lunk is defined, on a poster, as “one who grunts, drops weights, or judges.”)
New York Times

A “lunk” is someone who judges, yet some are getting harassed at Planet Fitness because their “physiques are too chiseled” and they “take their workouts too seriously.” The gym chain tries to cater to “amateurs” – those inexperienced in the gym.

I don’t get it. Is this a place where the inexperienced come until they can bench press their body weight, and then they’re expected to find a new gym?