Fee Fi Fo Fum

Friday 27 October 2006

Read in the Washington Post:

“I have to think there are Democratic strategists out there thinking the words of the old Japanese admiral: ‘I fear all we’ve done is wake a sleeping giant,’ ” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, a Washington-based advocacy group. “They were coasting into an election with a Republican base with dampened enthusiasm. This brings it all back home to the base, what this election is about.”
Religious Conservatives Cheer Ruling on Gays as Wake-Up Call

It’s amusing that the religious conservatives think of themselves as a slumbering giant. Even when in power, they see themselves as victims.

They also think Rove’s “back to the base” campaign strategy will still work its magic for yet another election. Still holding out hope…

What’s even more disturbing is the notion that gay marriage is such a central plank in their whole ideology. Literally thousands of people are dying because of the debacle in Iraq, and these folks are more concerned about something so relatively petty in comparison. The neocon hope of salvaging this election hinges on exploitation of people’s fear.


But it’s really their own doing. The neocons hard-line approach has left them little wiggle room. “Stay the course” has meant “make absolutely no changes in the Iraq strategy” and “You’re either with us or with the terrorists” has turned what should be nuanced foreign relations into Pavlovian over-simplicity. What’s ironic is that neocons are now wanting to stay the course without saying “stay the course” and the “us-vs-terrorist” simplicity gets a little fuzzy when we start talking about Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

But they’re staying the course about gay marriage, and they seem to be pretty sure that if you aren’t with the straights, you’re with the gays. Let’s just hope that such nonsense doesn’t win elections.