Music Box

Friday 11 August 2006

musicbox.jpgAt nine o’clock, K starts yawning. She says it’s the pregnancy, but anyone who drags themselves out of bed at five every morning needs no excuses. Since I generally get up later, I go to bed later.

L’s twenty weeks old — she can hear now. And so, on the advice of friends, K and I have begun a nightly tradition. Just before turning out the light, of putting a small music box — a gift from my oldest friend and his family — to K’s belly. The theory is that the music will later calm L, as it reminds her of her old, warm, save home. We lie there silently, K and I imagining what it will be like when she’s falling asleep in her crib to that music, barely able to keep her eyes open, yawning, and remembering how warm and cozy she was when she first heard that music.

Again, that’s the theory anyway. I’m under no illusions that it will work like a switch: wind it up to wind her down. But the hope is it will at least calm her when she’s very upset.

Hear the tune.


  1. Congratulations! It’s a wonderful thing. How exciting. You’re going to need a bigger website now!

  2. I’m a living proof of your theory!
    I’ve been into the music box world for quite long now.
    My grandma gave me an antique music box 35 years ago, when I was only 7, and I listen to it until I fall sleep.
    Now, every time I look at it or listen to its music, great and beautiful memories comes through my mind.
    The curious thing is this music box that I have, and treasure so much, is very similar to one of the Reuge music boxes!

    Here is the link to the Reuge music box:

    I will ask my husband to give me one of this beauties for our 25th wedding anniversary the next March 12th.

    Have a nice day!